Bioseb Wheels- Fibromyalgia-related musculoskeletal research

Bioseb Wheels- Fibromyalgia-related musculoskeletal research

A new publication demonstrating the utility of Bioseb’s Wheels in Fibromyalgia-related musculoskeletal disease research

Today, we are glad to announce a very recent publication from the University of Brescia, Italy, demonstrating the utility of Bioseb’s spontaneous wheel in "Oral Supplementation of Melatonin Protects against Fibromyalgia-Related Skeletal Muscle Alterations in Reserpine-Induced Myalgia Rats "

Because fibromyalgia is characterized by chronic widespread pain with associated co-morbid symptoms impacting musculoskeletal function and motor activity, monitoring the voluntary locomotor activity is necessary to evaluate disease progression and a useful outcome measure in preclinical therapeutic development. The Italian team of Favero et al., led by Prof. Rita Rezzani of the University of Brescia, recently demonstrated that melatonin supplemental improved voluntary locomotor activity in the resperine-induced myalgia rat model, a validated fibromyalgia animal model.

Voluntary locomotor activity in rats with reserpin-induced fibromyalgia
Voluntary locomotor activity: the graph summarizes the distance traveled expressed in meters for all experimental groups for studying Fibromyalgia-Related Skeletal Muscle Alterations in Reserpine-Induced Myalgia Rats. Controls: H20 (Tap Water), Mel (Melatonin), Res (Reserpin).

Bioseb's Activity wheel in Fibromyalgia-related musculoskeletal research: Close-up of the wheel
Bioseb's Activity Wheel
Fibromyalgia-related musculoskeletal research:
Close-up of the wheel
Outcome measures included a non-reflexive evaluation of rodent locomotor activity that requires voluntary decision making and CNS integration. The exciting results were achieved using Bioseb’s spontaneous activity wheel, BIO-ACTIVW. Spontaneous accesses to the wheel and total running distance traveled was investigated during a 1 hr evaluation session and the research team found that, "treatment with melatonin, at both doses tested (2.5 mg/kg and 5 mg/kg) and at 30 and 60 days after resperine administration, led to an improvement in number of spontaneous accesses to the wheel and in running distance traveled". These behavior data correlated with ultrastructural recovery and reduced inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in the muscle.

Thanks to the innovative and user-friendly associated software, a high number of locomotor activity parameters can be assessed with BIO-ACTIVW. These include: distance travelled, number of access and type of access (exercise vs. curiosity), speed, acceleration, and activity duration among others.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic life long condition with no cure and is estimated to effect up to 6% of the world's population. Demonstration of the efficacy of melatonin in a robust animal model is an important advance in therapeutic development. We are proud that Bioseb’s instruments are contributing to the advancement of research in this field, and we extend our warm congratulation to the team of Favero, Trapletti, Bonomini, Stacchiotti, Lavazza, Rodella, and Rezzani and the University of Brescia.

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